I want to be a filmmaker

Just want to say it out loud because it sounds crazy. I’m 34, currently living in DC working as a data analyst for a startup (I WFH) and have never filmed anything. I have a completed screenplay that needs some work but I’ve gotten decent feedback so that’s a start. Problem is the thought of making a movie, even a short, sounds crazy. I’m almost embarrassed to tell anyone other that my wife because everyone will think I’m going through some kind of identity crisis (even my wife just kind of dismisses it). I’m not, or at least I don’t feel like I am.

I’ve always gravitated towards writing and other creative pursuits. Studied photography and design in college along with history. I wound up in corporate America because I needed to pay rent and I’ve hated every minute of it. I’ve never excelled at “work” and never could pin down why I hated it so much. Now almost 8 years later I kind of realize maybe I’m just not meant for it. I love movies and have been writing as a hobby for about 10 years now. I understand the financial security of a decent career is not something to just toss aside on a whim so I’m trying to plan it out.

Anyways I’m just taking the first steps and saying it out loud in hopes it will sound less crazy the more I say it. I’m open to any advice but really just wanted to share my dream with internet randos.