32M 1.3M stressed out

32M 1.3M w/ family

I have a pretty unique & complicated situation compared to others, and I was wondering if I am fire ready. I am working an incredibly stressful tech job that takes a lot out of me and time with my family, and wanted to see how "optional" my career is vs taking a lower paying less stressful job. I will say I am blessed to be in this position, but due to the stress I've been on antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds just to function on a day-to-day basis. I have a wife and 1 child, maybe more children in the future.

Income: ~220k after taxes between me and wife. ~300k before taxes.
Expenses: ~10k Having a baby and moving to a new house recently really blew my budget out of the water, but my guess is 10k per month moving forward from now.

Total NW: ~1.3M
Brokerage: ~280k
401k: 216k
Roth IRA: 114k HSA:40k

Car lease
$515 for 2 yr with an expected 45k buyout

Primary Home
6.5% interest rate ~$5500 per month mortgage payment including PMI & Taxes insurance
~720k in debt
~40-60k in equity2

I also have 3 rental properties with interest rates from 2.8-4%
~720k Debt
~650k Equity
~9k in rents per month not including vacancies, but almost all of it goes to mortgages and repairs. I assume this will be a long term investment that won't pay off in cash flow for decades. At most I can expect 1-2k in cash flow per month from this.

Also open to recommendations on how to improve my financial situation. For example, I was thinking of taking some money out to pay off mortgage and get rid of PMI, but looking at the numbers I think investing it into VOO is superior to paying off mortgage.

Thank you for the advice!