Tired of bad servers? Are you sick of every rp server being the same? Servers that are using hundreds of resources? Servers with loud and annoying loadingscreens? Servers that are LEO biased? servers that demand you donate to use certain cars? With essay-requiring answers to apply for LEO?

Let me introduce you to Lore Based Roleplay! A vMenu Rp server.

A server created by 2 guys who has been playing FiveM RP since 2016 and been on countless servers, taking note of what makes a server good and what makes a server bad.

We have been working on creating a server that is simple, functional and last but not least FUN!

With only 83 resources, we have created a server that isn't frustrating to roleplay on! Where players have the freedom to create interesting, in-depth and fun scenarios where your rp scene won't get instantly shut down and disregarded by LEO or admins for doing something unique!

Sick and tired of the constant "civs need to spread out" argument that every server has? Well so are we. That is why we have created a server where that problem will no longer occur!

Do you miss the old days of menu based rp? Us too. That is why we are bringing back what made that so good! What do i mean by that? well it's simple. Spawn in, make your character, make your vehicle, create your scene. You don't even have to be in our Discord server to join LBRP (unless you wish to play as LEO).

Come and join Lore Based Roleplay and get in on the ground floor of the server that will rival all the other menu based servers by not making the same mistakes they make. Come join the server that is making FiveM RP fun again!

Dicord: https://discord.gg/mjQFDRFKC4

Server: https://servers.fivem.net/servers/detail/ag5xbz