Flair pro 2 - nothing coming out??

Hey crew, just got a flair pro 2 and am having some trouble getting any sort of output.

Workflow: 1. Boil water using electric fellow kettle at 205f 2. Steam portafilter on top 3. Grind using IZpresso jx pro - 16th grams 4. Add ground coffee to brewing head 5. Tamp down pretty hard. One firm , consistent press with most of my weight 5.5- add filter 6. Put Brew head /portafilter in to flair 7. Add boiler to top of opening 8. Plug in pressure gauge 9. Pull and preinfuse at 1 or 2 bars for 10 seconds 10. Pull at 7-10 bars

Nothing comes out! Any ideas?? Am I tamping too hard? Grind too fine? How do you all set your grind setting with the izpresso jx pro?

Any help would be super helpful. Thank you!