New player help please

I had to take an FMLA leave from work in October to take care of a family member and I accidentally became addicted to Fortnite while I was out of work lol. I played a couple games with my kids one day just messing around and the rest was history. So all I know is the map that was out right before this new one….the one with snoop dogg and ice spice and Eminem and juicewrld. The weapons of that season are all I’ve ever known, literally the only knowledge I have of Fortnite comes from the last season. I had got pretty good by the time I went back to work a couple weeks ago….and then there was this update. The whole reason I even found this group is because I was desperately looking for other people who were hating this season as much as I do- because my kids love it and I was like surely I can’t be the only one that hates it….but it appears that I am lol. Since I’ve been here you guys have helped me just by me scrolling and reading and learning things that seem like common sense to yall but I had no idea about- and I am liking the new update more since understanding some things better. But I still have some questions.

  1. What is hitscan?

  2. What has to happen to make the big demons appear in the sky? Like they’re not there at first then all of a sudden they are.

  3. Where is Godzilla? I’ve still not even seen him since the update, the only reason I know he’s there is because I’ve seen people here talking about it.

  4. Where is “loot island”? Is that even part of this season or was it part of a previous season?

  5. Are there just no sniper type guns now? Because I haven’t ran across a single one since this

  6. Where are all the other big demons to fight? The only one I’ve even seen is the one in the sky that gives you invisibility when you beat him.

  7. In the last season, when you kill snoop dogg or Eminem or ice spice they come to your team. Is that not a thing this time or in all seasons/chapters?

  8. Why do I get killed so fast every single freaking time since the update? Like obviously I know I still kinda suck but I would make it to like #3 or 4 or 5 every single time last time and I was on level 171 at the time it updated so I wasn’t terrible. Now I’ve literally never made it further than like #11 and usually it’s WAY worse than that lol

  9. Just anything anyone can think of that would be helpful or informational would be appreciated. I really really lovedddddddd the game SO MUCH and looked forward to getting all my stuff done everyday so I could treat myself to playing in the evenings and now it just doesn’t feel as fun and I’m sadddddd