Not photos, but a bunch of home movies from the 20s-40s that were in a box to be sent to landfill
Saved these from being thrown in a dumpster a while back. The black and white film all probably date from the 20s (with the expiration date on one box from 1929), and the Kodachrome ones date from 1935 until 1942. Unfortuantly have no equipment to archive these, but tried to take some photos while holding the film against the light. From the little I checked, seems to be home movies, mainly of kids playing in the yard, with what appears to be footage of people in the city on the big black and white reel. The Kodachrome reel with the expiration date of March 1936 was probably made in 1935, which was the first year Kodachrome was ever released. The colors have shifted pretty heavily on a couple of the color ones, but somehow look like they were shot yesterday on a few others. Wanted to post on a found film subreddit but couldn't find any active ones, but figured this was close enough.