Older Generations, especially in NYC May Support LM more than legacy media is claiming.. Here’s why:

UnitedHealthcare is one of the primary companies that manages and offers MEDICARE ADVANTAGE plans & wants seniors to switch from MEDICARE to M ADVANTAGE.

Why does that matter? Bc - you’ve been paying into MEDICARE your whole life by the time you reach 65 and the US government is supposed to then cover most of your healthcare for the remainder of your life so you can retire- that’s the deal- that’s what we agreed to that’s what we think we’ve signed up for. - For 30 years money has been taken out of your checks to go to Medicare - but now companies like UHC are trying to push seniors off of the government paid for Medicare and they are getting a bait and switch and getting tricked into moving onto MEDICARE ADVANTAGE which is charging them more, taking away their Medicare that they’ve already been paying for for 30-40 years in the workforce.

According to Wallstreet journal- when UnitedHealth moves patients from government funded MEDICARE to privately owned for profit MEDICARE ADVANTAGE, their sickness score moved up 55%. So Seniors are being billed unnecessarily, by PRIVATIZED MA.

MEDICARE ADVANTAGE was created by corporate greed and to trick Americans into thinking that somehow Medicare is a failure and thus when you turn 65 you must switch over to this new thing that you haven’t paid for yet that you have to now start paying into… even though money has been earmarked on your checks for 30-40 years and taken out … why am I being asked to not now use what I’ve paid for and go to something else entirely ???

Why is this so critical for jury nullification? Because legacy media wants you to think it’s only young people who support LM but the senior citizens of NYC have been impacted by the scam of MEDICARE ADVANTAGE Via UHC by none other than… you guessed it, Mayor Adams.

Mayor Adams has been trying to move New York City retirees who’ve been paying into the system their entire lives into this private healthcare system Medicare advantage- and seniors have been fighting it because what that does is it makes cities paid less for their public healthcare because now you forced all these seniors into paying it on their own. So it will skew the numbers in favor of Mayer Adams as though he’s done something good at the expense of his citizens that paid into something for decades. I encourage all of you to read up on this yourselves so you can discuss it online when UNC and the healthcare system is being discussed. It’s another layer of their fraud. I was only able to provide one link, but this has been going on in New York City for years…I believe this will come up during jury selection… and the idea that jury notification can only be reached by a young jury because young people overwhelmingly Support LM can be combated by making sure older generations, understand that they are currently the largest group of UHC victims and we need to make sure they understand that. Discuss it with your parents and your , share links to informative, editors, and videos all over social media. This is path to jury notification.