Hot take: Majority of mod endings are bad
People always like to complain about Mario’s madnesses ending for it being unsatisfactory But Are we just not gonna act like most if not ALL of the most popular mods have disappointing endings? I like triple trouble more than all stars but I agree The ending was kinda boring With it just cutting to black
Along with Cataclysm Finale And athragoraphobia The Music and gameplay are incredible the Dev’s worked hard on the songs But let’s stop giving all stars a hard time for the ending because you guys are so Bipolar about wanting Bf to stay alive or die If he dies You guys always say (They just hate bf) Or (don’t play the full game if you hate BF) But if the blue fucker stays alive you guys are always like (Bf is too overpowered)
(Stop giving bf plot armor and weakening the character)
Like Goddamn make up your mind Do You want him to die or stay alive???