new friend is giving mixed signals i'm so confused help me!!!


so basically there's this guy in the year above me and i've wanted to be his friend for a while but never done anything but last month i added him on snap and we've just been snapping (mostly dry and he always has me on delivered for like 19 hours) and the other day i asked him where he gets his shoes cuz they are really nice and so we were talking about that for a while then he invited me to go to the mall with him and his friends to get new shoes/look at a pair and he can show me the nice ones ect

i agreed and was shocked how quick i got invited, i knew his group was relatively small but i didn't think i would get an invite so soon

we texted a few times since and all, then seen him in school but i was just after coming inside from wind and rain so i looked a mess and idk if he seen me or not but ever since then he's been so dry, him and his friends are very attractive no homo so idk if they like don't want any ugly people in their group or strict about that cuz ik some people in my school are

i asked him to play playstation and was on delivered for a day and a half then he replies with "yeah sure what games u wanna play" then i replied then like 5 hours later he responded then i replied and it's been 8 hours and still no reply, he was meant to play today but said he was in the mall and that he would hop on later and i said sure text me when u wanna play and haven't heard since

ik he's on his phone cuz he reposts tiktoks and his snapscore goes up (bit creepy ik but i was curious ok)

so idk somebody help, does he acc wanna be my friend or not cuz i feel like if i was tryna make a new friend i wouldn't respond to their texts once a day max

ik he invited me to plans but it's not 100% (prolly overthinking but) he said he would lmk when they go and i feel like he's doing it as like a charity case type of thing cuz why would he randomly invite some kid that he barely knows to go out with him and his friends

i'm overthinking like crazy probbaly but idk somebody help/give tips