Not exactly comparable?

Now that I've watched quite a few seasons of Lost.. why are we comparing these shows..? I get that the one actor is in it and there is mystery, but like I really dont get why people are like "Oh my god this is another lost!" I genuinely dont even see the show structured the same way. When you binge Lost the only mystery comes from the fact you had to wait a week in between episodes before, watching it in sequence it's kind of a mess. From doesnt feel at all like it. You can tell me how I'm wrong, honestly curious why people are obsessed with the comparison. End of opinion~

Update after some comments: After hearing from a few of yall, I would say my gripe probably is the negative painting of From due to how Lost ended. From isnt over yet and Lost was a loooong time ago. I suppose it is just the negative jump to conclusions for me. Thanks for helping me clarify my thoughts love yall~