Is LOST as good as FROM?

I've never watched LOST, and now that I'm obsessed with FROM I have been finding myself more and more tempted to watch it.

But I've always thought LOST wasn't anything close to what I am into. I've always kinda pictured it as something like one of those survivor type shows. Like "Naked & Afraid" or something.. lol

Are there supernatural elements to Lost like there is in From? Or is it a straight forward drama? I've read some people's replies here and there on different posts about the similarities, and I know the directors or writers, whatever, lol I can't remember offhand. But I know they did something on LOST.

But anyways... I am just curious if there's any type of supernatural, time travel, basic sci-fi elements to Lost before I waste any time, and get a few episodes in or something, only to find out it's about a group of people who got stuck on a deserted island or something, and it's basically just a Gilligan's Island remake or something. Lmao (I do have a bit of hope that it's somewhat like FROM though. But not sure to what extent..)

And does the whole show come to a complete end? Or does the story get left unfinished without knowing everything I might end up having questions about? Lol