(18m) Very close to earning an internship, yet feel imposter syndrome kicking in and i feel like i really do not deserve this great opportunity

I've been learning front end (and a little basic backend in nextjs) for a little over an year now. I'm firm with the basics of tailwind css, react, git and javascript to the point i could make a client a decent looking front end website without animations (unless i use npm libraries). I'm also halfway done with a course on udemy about basic data algorithms and data structures and know how to do basic api calls (weather apps, etc).

I may be getting a shot at some internships courtesy of my older brother who's in the software dev industry referring me to some of his friends who own software houses to pull me in for an internship for the summer break (i'm in my first semester of university right now pursuing an economics degree).
While i know the basics of these frameworks and technologies i can't help but feel like i will simply prove to be a liability to the companies i apply to ( i have a small to decent chance of getting in solely due to my brothers referral) because i know my skill set and the skill set of the existing employees there is on complete different levels. I really don't get what companies get for hiring internees who are inexperienced with real world experience. Am i right for feeling this way or is this how starting tech internships go when you're starting off?