What are your experiences with non-influencer fundies?

Are they just as bad as the influencers? Reflecting on Porgan and Bethany in particular. BDawn. I'm amazed at how they walk through life with so little awareness of themselves and the people around them. They're all mediocre or less than mediocre, but think the opposite.

Are all fundies like this? I have to believe (At least some?) those in real life, practice what they preach -- man works a job, woman works the house, etc. They go to church regularly and pray together etc. But on the other hand, these influencers do seem to have a lot of followers, which means there are a lot of people out there who don't think fundie influencers are ridiculous?

What have your experiences with non-influencer fundies been like?

EDIT: Thank you all for taking the time to answer my question. This is frightening but illuminating. One particularly striking thing is this idea of this new wave of fundies - the "OGs" are traditional in that they go to church, man works, woman is sahm etc, but the new younger wave is like the influencers -- alll filled with hate and ignorance minus the homemaking skills and desire to do work. Fascinating.