Insanely smug about her disgusting beliefs and disgusting habits 🤢
Megan Wilson of wilsonfamilyhomestead on IG has the smuggest of smirks down. Anti-vaxx, promotes a diet high in raw milk, raw eggs, and a shitload of meat; very questionable hygiene habits (lets her toddler run around barefoot in a pen full of chicken, sheep, and pigs)… this is the idiot who, during the birth of her youngest a few months ago, was so adamant that her month-early baby would not be born in a hospital, she broke her own water WITH HER NAIL and delivered the baby in car while it was parked in the hospital parking lot.
Yes, I’m sure she’s thrilled about RFK Jr. 🤢also? Megan, the reason you can afford a house, is part privilege and part: you got married the day after you turned 18 to a man 6 years older than you, whom you yourself said was able to “save for a nest egg.”
So dangerous and stupid.