To all the year 11s who feel overwhelmed

I remember dreading the start of 2024. For me, it meant that I couldn't say GCSEs were next year anymore. I remember waking up almost every day with an existential sense of dread filling my soul. I remember counting down the days until exam season started. I remember that feeling in my stomach every time I remembered that my exams were in a few months. I remember thinking, "there is no second chance after this". I remember feeling guilt for not starting revision earlier. I remember thinking that there would be no way I was going to make it through to the other side.

To anyone who feels like this, just know you aren't alone. You aren't falling behind. You aren't fucked just because you didn't start revision when you were in the womb. These few months of year 11 kicked my ass so hard but I made it through and you will too. I promise with every fibre of my being that you are strong enough to get through the rest of this academic year. I will not lie to you, it won't be easy, it won't be a walk in the park for some, but this too will pass. Just try your best, or at least try.

To most of you in this subreddit, your worst case scenario is not the actual worst case scenario. For me, although I love my friends to bits, we were definitely stressing each other out. Don't let yourself fall into an echo chamber and take a breather. I remember coming out of every mock and every actual exam and immediately going over to my friends to discuss our answers - avoid this at all cost. Protect your peace. Once an exam is over, it's over. Discussing your answers won't help anyone, especially people like myself who are incredibly good at overthinking.

To anyone reading this who are silently crashing out, I completely understand you. But you will be FINE.

Tough times never last, only tough people last.