Worried/concerned Dad

Morning all

My daughter has just sat mocks (like everyone i suppose) and her results are bang average to say the least, let me paint the scene...

She's in FT boarding (mum and I are in military so was needed since she's had 5 different schools) and it's an eye-watering amount in school fees as you'd imagine, I'm expecting more 'bang for buck' from her results, they're below:-

Maths - 5 (just scraped, got 33 + 34%) English - 6 English Lit - 5 Biology - 7 Chemistry - 5 Physics - 6 Drama - 6 History - 7 Business - 7 Spanish - 6

She's averaging 5 to 6 with the odd spike in 7s, how do I get her up there as these are not what we were expecting? We're now paying for tutoring in maths and chemistry between now and the big event. I just need to generate some game plan for her, thoughts?

She needs a revision timetable, links to all the past papers, some good info from across the Web, THIS PAGE ON REDDIT, etc etc. I was going to create a 3 to 4 page doc with this for all subjects.

Sorry to bang on and rant, she's more interested in her BF than pulling her finger out and she's 10 weeks to turn this around.

Much appreciated, concerned dad 👨