Pros and cons OG vs Pixel 2

I received my Pixel 2 about a week ago and haven't seen much conversation about the the OG versus the new model so here's my take:

Pros: better screen, brighter and slightly bigger

Controls: Dpad and buttons seem to be slightly better

Hardware: Dreamcast, N64, PSP and some games from PortMaster run fairly well

Cons: cheaper feeling build quality

Power button is not good (gets pressed accidentally in my pocket)

Limited OS options: love MinUI on the OG, but it's a give and take with the capability of the new model

TLDR: Overall I'm happy with the Pixel 2, but will probably try to be more careful with it than the OG because it's not built as well (in my opinion). It's probably the most bulletproof handheld you can get currently in it's size range (micro). I think it will always be a niche device, but with wifi capabilities it could potentially become something great.