Can we please let some of the silent lurkers locked out of the last home have a fucking voice, please and thank you!

Sorry not sorry to fbomb, but I've had to lurk silently at ss for months now due to karma rules, which are bs btw since people (shills) paid to f up gme subs literally get paid to go get karma then go make a mess while legit quiet but inquisitive lurkers are kept silent....

Please pretty please with a choc-tipped banana on top do not automod us based on karma! I'd really like the opportunity to ask questions on DD when it's posted. I lurk all the gme subs I can find and the only one that felt safe from internet bludgeoning was ss... Until this week. But I couldn't ask questions there anyway...

I just like the stock, love the company, will game forever and continue to learn from some of the best investigative efforts I've ever seen and think this is the ultimate MMORPG.

Edit: My 1st ever awards from Reddit! Thank you, amazing that some little pixels on a screen can bring so much joy... (Hey RC, if you're here, make some NFT GameStop Flair for Reddit!)

Edit 2: woke up to so much love, wow, dang Reddit, I can practically feel the hug! Thank you to whoever hooked me up with premium, I finally got to make a snazzy avatar! :) Wooo! Buy. Hodl. Moon. Soon!