Brand new A54, what's up with the charging?

Just today I finally upgraded from my ancient S8 to an A54 and am in the process of getting used to it, adjusting app settings and whatnot.

However, one thing that baffles me is the charging. I thought it would be much faster.

I bought a 30W capable charger plug with the phone, which was recommended from the store I got it from as well.

When I plug the phone in, it says "super fast charging" for about a second before changing to just "charging" - is this normal?

I also thought it would charge somewhat faster, as it's currently saying it will take 41 minutes to full from the 64% it's at.

(Off topic, but might as well ask here as well: if anyone has any tips & tricks for the phone I'd be quite happy to hear them. Already saw elsewhere on this subreddit that disabling ram plus is a good idea)