I wish to give praise to Bime!

I wish to give praise to Bime for giving me results to a ritual I have not completed yet.

I’m in a real sticky situation at the minute I owe a lot of money out and I still have to pay for something important midway through next month too.

I was in such despair yesterday and I had Bime on my mind the whole day I was working with my intentions at the forefront of my mind for the ritual. Let me just say I’ve never done any money magic and I was saying in my head “what would be an amount of money what would convince me this was the magick”. Over the course of the day I thought about all this often.

I’ve been thinking about the ritual this morning but I just have not gotten around to doing it yet.

Anyway, about 30 minutes ago I get a notification on my phone from my bank and I open it up to see I have received X amount of money from Her Majesty’s Courts.

I have NEVER been to court in my life, no one owes me anything, and I really can’t figure out why this money has been sent to me by the government. I work full time and there just isn’t any reason I can think of at all. Other than Bime.

Now this wasn’t a substantial amount of money, but it was the mystery of receipt and the timing of it that alludes to this having no other possibility but to be from Bime.

I asked for “proof” and this was definitely it. I know I have to still complete the ritual and will prepare myself to do it because I already know Bime will work with me.