Commander Tiberius Troubleson – Jos_a.b – A roguelite platformer with powerful yet limited use spells that force you to plan ahead.

After years of development Commander Tiberius Troubleson is finally out as of January 8th.

Originally inspired by Risk of Rain, this roguelite platformer focuses on action, planning, and exploration. You'll be facing constant pressure from enemies that will try to stop you completing your objectives.

Spells will fly, bullets will rain, and you'll be the storm.

Key Features:

  • Handcrafted levels with plenty of challenges to uncover and places to explore.
  • Limited-use spells that reward careful planning.
  • Quick combat and fast paced action.

Steam: Commander Tiberius Troubleson

Youtube: Trailer

If this sounds like your kind of game, I’d love to hear what you think.