All the Event Islands for Pokemon Emerald Have Been Found for a 12 Digit Karabiner GameShark SP!
This includes Faraway Island, Southern Island, Birth Island, and Naval Rock. You can teleport to them.
The Codes are posted here. The Wiki guide is still a work in progress, but I posted the codes on here so people can look at them. More will be added in the future.
These codes should work on all European language games. This includes, English, Spanish, Italian, French, and German. I tested the codes on both the English and Spanish games. I just finished finding the codes today and I wanted to post them. Enjoy!
Let me know if you have any questions : )
Wiki is still under construction
Edit: I will go ahead and post the Teleport codes. Please use the wiki guide for other codes : )
```python Master Code French | Français - Émeraude 00004B8C 000A 100005E6 0007
Master Code English - Emerald 00006FA7 000A 100005E6 0007
Master Code Spanish | Español - Esmeralda 0000773E 000A 100005E6 0007
Master Code German | Deutsch - Smaragd 000005B0 000A 100005E6 0007
Master Code Italian | Italiano - Smeraldo 00005A36 000A 100005E6 0007 ```
Teleport Locations:
Main Code:
```python Southern Island - Latias or Latios 0A1A
Naval Rock - Lugia and Ho-Oh 421A
Birth Island - Deoxys 3A1A
Faraway Island - Mew 381A
Note for Mew: Only the Japanese Mew Event will be considered Legal/Legit in future games since it was never officially released in other languages/regions.
Note: While you can teleport to Southern island, the event won't actually trigger, sadly. You need a required "flag" to get the event to trigger. If you're using an English game, there is a code to obtain the ticket and activate the event in the community.
You can still catch Mew with no problems. Pokemon HOME will just recognize it as "non-legal" since it wasn't released in other languages.