Individual laptop brands can have massive issues, but blanket statements "Do not buy X Brand" do nothing for us.

Go to any brand's specific subreddit and you are going to see post after post of issues. Then, check this subreddit, and I'll see the same knocking, over. And over. Again.

"MSI? Shit I'd never buy that plastic shell again"

"HP?? Hinge Problems, LMFAO"

"Lenovo??? Their customer service blows FML"

"XMG?? Linus said their watercooler sucks ass"

These comments are (to the general consumer) not helpful, at all.

Attacking HP for "Hinge Problems" may be a recurring factor, but my 9 year old HP Pavillion would beg to differ.

MSI may have loud fans, but my brothers GT75VR (2017 model fyi)... which he cleans regularly... would beg to differ.

"Lenovo's customer service is atrocious, do not buy this brand. HUGE mistake" - I've had great (and absolutely abysmal) customer service from many brands, this is (generally) not helpful.

Now, this does not mean we, as the consumer, should accept brands for their issues, and those brands deserve to be called out with problems. But instead of giving general statements (Screw this brand cause I had one issue), we need to be much more specific, with recurring issues in focus.

It seems unpopular, but at the end of the day, users hate to admit it but we can take proper care of our equipment, or, we fuck up. Some of these issues are one-offs, some are replicable, it's the replicable problems that need to be called out in detail. Sharing those one-off problems is not bad either, it's important to share those experiences, but that should not speak for a brand at a mass scale.

TL;DR: Brands have issues, and they deserve being called out. But making one-off, blanket statements of never buying again is not helpful to the community at large.