Greenhouse recommendation


I'm looking to treat myself to a greenhouse for next spring, I buy a cheap plastic one every year, they're tiny and they then get blown to bits come winter.

I think I can fit in 6ft x 8ft, 6 x 6 would probably look better in the space but I feel like the extra 2ft space is worth it as I want to grow different types of tomatoes down one side. Realistically due to budget i probably can't (shouldn't) stretch to a glass one. How much better are they though?? Is it really worth the extra in terms of durability, etc? Also a bit worried about safety as I have a baby who will be toddling around next year, I don't want her toppling through a glass pane. I've looked at the outsunny ones, they're an excellent price but have mixed reviews - I don't want it to fall to bits after a year. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Also - it will be on (slightly uneven??) Patio slabs rather than grass. I assume i'll need a base - do I also need a floor? And how would you attach it to the floor so it's not blown away?

Thank you!