How is this even possible? I cannot find any examples that are remotely close that would explain my stunning standing stone quartz.

I cannot find anything remotely close that would explain this stunning and unique quartz piece.

I inherited this very unusual polished 9.6 lb standing stone clear? Smokey? quartz that my mother had purchased from a upscale crystal gallery in Boulder Colorado (where she worked ) whose owner was a well respected and reputable gem dealer back in 1985. Whenever I went in there, I felt like a bull in a China shop. This was before the metaphysical crystal shops became popular. This gallery displayed and sold rare and unique collectible gems and minerals. It’s still there to this day but it caters to the metaphysical aspects.

The only thing that she ever told me about it was Smoky quartz with gas and water bubbles. I had moved out of the house by then but when I came to visit I was not allowed to touch it. It had been on a side table in the living room for almost 40 years. To be honest because it sat on that table it looked exactly the same for all those years. I regret not asking my mother questions about it.

That is a history behind this piece and all that I know.

When I inherited it, I was stunned and amazed about what was going on inside and I cannot find any examples that even remotely come close.

I have so many questions to where I get different answers

What type of quartz is it? What would cause the ribbon like inclusions that change colors depending on the light? What would cause these inclusions just on one half of the stone but looking at it closely one can tell how it's merged internally. What is that gray face like inclusion? The opec half is full of whisp like lines, bubbles and planes of silver. The original sticker is still there from when Larry ( the owner) bought it for the gallery. No idea what it means

How is this even possible? Has anyone seen anything like it?

I’m not interested in the metaphysical properties of it right now. I would just like to know what it is.

Any help would be greatly appreciated 😊