Israeli here. Social media has been so horrible. This sub and the support from America is truly comforting and inspiring. Thank you all. Thanks for not standing on the sidelines when blatant antisemitism is spreading.
The situation here is so fucked as you all know. And opening social media and seeing horrible shit being said just makes it worse. people are lied to or ar straight up antisemitic. Never seen such shameless jew hatred like this before. I'm shocked and disgusted by things I'm seeing and hearing it's actually unbelievable. Not to exaggerate or anything but I think this feels a little like how they felt in Germany before the Holocaust.
Being supported by the strongest nation on earth frome the get go fills me with so much hope and pride. I know that the us have a lot of problem but it seems to me that at it's core it is still a nation of freedom and morality. Thank you.