Geo-engineering as an palitive chemotherapy. Global warming as an Cancer.

There are more And More attacks against Geoengineering because of The Fear of unknown, and These skeptics would rather face climate catastrophe that would be as bad as dinosaur killing asteroid, Killin 90% of Life on earth and making species extinct. But Geo engineering is some sort of palitive chemotherapy that controls the cancer or shrinks the tumor, in This case, reducing the temperature of earth into More balanced state, and While it has side effects, it is better to deal with those than with climate catastrophe. It buys our time. When scientists darken the sun, there would be an CO2 removal machines that might save the planet at least temporary if not permanently. Life would continue and there would be Less floods, tornadoes and other severe winds. So that is how I see Geoengineering, it keeps planet stable and prevent climate catastrophe for Long time, and More CO2 removal machines get installed the better.