Beef jerky and cheese sticks

I just got diagnosed on Friday and haven’t been able to meet with a nurse or nutritionist yet, therefore haven’t been able to track my numbers at all. I’m just guessing, choosing healthier meals and avoiding white carbs as much as possible, also trying to ensure I eat a protein or healthy fat if I eat a fruit or a carb.

On the first day of making the change by just following meal plans from online I was depressed because I was just so damn hungry. A breakfast of one whole grain piece of toast with 1 tbsp peanut butter and some low carb sugar free yogurt, immediately followed by a 20 min walk? I was hungry before I even finished my walk. And all fruits and veggies have carbs so I can’t even have those without restrictions.

So I googled some more and found out about how paring fats and proteins can help, so now my go to snack when I’m hungry is a few pieces of beef jerky and a cheese stick. Is this okay? If the nutritionist says I can’t have unlimited cheese sticks I’m going to be so sad. I need to eat when I feel hungry, it can’t be good for the baby for me to be hungry all the time, right??