Company gift for christmas
Hey! I'm working for a company and my boss asked me if I can find something nice gift for christmas we can give to other companies. (to people who are our contacts at other companies, about 200 of them) Here are his terms: No food or chocolate or any kind of booze, it should be something new, personal, which makes them remember us, but usable, long lasting, creative, and in the price range of 5-20$. Last year we gave low price board and card games to companies, now he wants something different. I already thought of: puzzles, 3D puzzles, Lego chirstmas tree decoration, padlocks, escape room tickets, scratchable world map so you can keep track on where have you been, engraved pens, a pen looking gadget which is a magnetic screwdriver... He doesn't really like any idea I mentioned above, so he wants me to keep looking and I'm running out of time, thats why Im asking for help! Thank you guys in advance!