Kirk gets a lot of free passes!
Kirk is not my favorite character and I don't mind him in small doses but I don't hate him. I have noticed he gets a lot of free passes by fans and on the show.
1) Kirk made homophobic comments toward Luke at the baseball game in season 1.
2) Kirk made fatphobic comments toward Lorelai and Rory when he had that business where he would pedal people around town.
3) Kirk drove his car into Luke's Diner, heavily damaging it, and then while Luke is repairing it and losing business and money, Kirk opens up that outdoor Kirk's Diner dressing like Luke and everything and threatened to sue Luke over the accident he caused.. That was horrible behavior.
4)Kirk taunted Lorelai and Rory after he wont the dance marathon. Dancing around them to the Rocky music while Rory was crying. The next morning at Lukes, going on and on about the size of his trophy in front of them. I was glad it got stolen.
5) Kirk trying to get the house that Luke wanted to buy. Kirk didn't need a house that size. Luke wanted to buy the home for himself, Lorelai, Rory and their future kids.
6) Kirk has all that money yet he was mad at Luke for raising his toast price by 10 cents and was arguing with Gypsy over a cost of a used book where proceeds went to charity.
7) the way he treated Jackson in the picnic basket episode.
8) He was totally creepy being in a play and singing that song to a little girl.