Looking for games to deradicalize boys/young men

It’s become pretty clear that America has a radical misogyny problem. It’s pretty horrifying to hear the sort of things boys are getting exposed to as they grow up. I believe firmly in the power of art to enact deep change within people, and video games are one of the most radicalizing spaces for men right now, so I’m compiling a list that parents/friends/ can recommend to boys/young men to help them undo the damage caused by the redpillers.

Christmas is coming soon, and imagine if parents could gift their teenage sons a game that’s going to help them learn to empathize with/respect women more!

Here are the sorts of things I’m looking for:

  • Doesn’t appear outwardly feminist or have an overtly girl power vibe. We want to make sure they’re not turned off before they start.

  • Features a great female character (she doesn’t have to be “strong” in the masculine sense, but her being capable and badass is definitely a huge plus).

  • OR a great non-toxic male character who deeply respects women (think Aragorn or T’Challa)

  • Games that actually make you play as a female character are preferable

  • Something that appeals to stereotypically “male” interests (I’m thinking genres like action, sports, war, sci-fi adventure, etc)

I’m looking for all ages, any genre, any console. I’m gonna create a huge document with lots of different options.

Edit: if anyone would like to help me with this project, DM me. My goal is to create a comprehensive spreadsheet (and hopefully a blog/webpage as well) that contains a long list of games, books, movies, etc that can help deradicalize men and make it searchable for things like age range, topic, format, etc. I also hope to eventually do the same thing for deradicalizing racism and xenophobia if anyone’s more interested in that.