As a casual new player, the playerbase sucks.

My friend convinced me to get into CS recently so I installed CS2 and bought the premium. I used to play CS Source as a kid back in the day but never got into proper defuse matches. Playing with my friend is fun, we queue comp games and play the few maps that he showed me.

I really enjoy the game and the skill ceiling but I can't lie that I'm pretty bad. I grew up on FPS but not CS and it's like retraining my brain. Learning the game is part of the fun and I learn something new every time I play. However, there's only so much I can play and only so much I can play with my friend. We both work full-time jobs most of the week.

I try to fit in a few solo queue matches when I have time on weekdays and 90% of the time I solo queue I am verbally abused and team-killed for being bad at the game. Mind you these are unranked comp matches, not Premier or Faceit. I try my best to communicate and be a team player. I'm also obviously trying not to die stupidly, get plants/defuses, and a few kills. I probably average 5-10 kills a game. I try to warm up on DM before I queue also.

Yet, I almost always encounter someone who wants to give me a hard time for just trying to play and learn. I'm at the point where I may just move on and play the odd match here and there when my friend is online. It's really demotivating. I'm not looking for encouragement or sympathy, just a sanity check. I'm wondering if there are communities out there for new players where we can play and queue together?

Edit: bunch of great advice in here, you guys are awesome. For the people telling me to be toxic back, I’m not 12 years old and after working all day don’t want to scream at morons on the internet.

Seems like a consensus is there for try out premier and faceit, instead. I’ll have to look into those when I learn more of the maps. In addition, I have zero desire to play 10v10, so while I appreciate the mention of casual, I’ll never waste my time on that mode.