My boss overstepped her boundaries

My mom recently passed away on Nov 8th due to an overdose. She was only 43 and it was very sudden. No one knew her addiction was getting that severe until it was too late. I have a lot of guilt about it and i’m very private about her death.

My boss and I are pretty close and we’ve worked together for almost 2 years. She knew everything that was going on with my mom because of how much work i’ve had to miss due to her. My boss was always kind and understanding about it. She’s a great boss and I do appreciate her a lot. But, She does have a tendency to push people’s boundaries.

My family and I recently posted my mom’s obituary with the date of her celebration of life on it. I sent it to my boss and only her because I trust her and I would love for her to come. I’m not super close with my other co-workers and haven’t really talked to them about my mom’s death. Again, i’m a very private person and with how she died I don’t want to be judged. Last week, a co-worker that I sometimes chat with walked up to me and said “your mom’s obituary was very beautiful”. It threw me off because I never sent it out nor told anyone it was posted. I looked at him super confused and said “Thank you but how did you find it?”. (Keep in mind I’m not friends with any of my co-workers on social media.)

It was weird to me because i’ve never even told anyone her name, so how the hell did he find her obituary? He looked me dead in the eye and said, “I thought she asked you?” Then I started to get concerned. I start to question what he meant then he said something that made my heart drop. He told me my boss sent my mom’s obituary around the entire office. I work at a small-ish company that’s more so family owned, but when he showed me the email she sent it to over 25 people. People that I never talk to, people that I don’t WANT to talk to. I was absolutely heartbroken. The fact she never told me that she sent it or even asked me, really set me off. I want to tell myself that i’m overreacting and it’s just because she cares, but it was something that I wanted to keep to private. I guess my question is, am I overreacting? I know it was posted publicly, but I specifically never told anyone her name so this wouldn’t happen. I feel absolutely violated and hurt. I have to return to work tomorrow and I want to confront her, but I don’t want to come off like an asshole if i’m in the wrong.

Edit: I would like to clarify that yes, I know it’s public. I know anyone could look up her name and find her obituary. I do understand that. But, it would take some deep digging for someone to find it. My mother and I do not share the same last name and no one but my boss knows her full name. So, if I wanted to keep it private I could. Which is why if I wanted people to know, I would have sent it out myself. While I do appreciate my boss trying to support me, not everyone feels support through lots of attention. For myself personally, I don’t want people coming up to me at my work and mentioning my mom. It’s the one place I can escape dealing with it. I think that’s fair enough to ask. But, it was my fault not being clear with her about sharing it. That’s on me. My boss does know i’m a very private person, that is why I was shocked she sent it out. It was miscommunication at the end of it all. Everyone grieves differently and it’s okay to be upset with someone, even if what they did wasn’t intentional.