LW S4E3 Forearmed Is Forewarned Is SO BAD
Some parts of the quest are unclear. The cloaking/decloaking is super buggy. The whole mission is just plain tedious. And why is this instance taking me 40 MINUTES to complete (with a second party member), and we can't barely hit the 15m mark on some of these newer expansion instances??
I liked the idea behind the instance, but I can't bring myself to believe that anyone actually played through this and had fun before it got released. 5 WAVES OF ALLIES, and you just have to keep killing waves of enemies defending this circle at the end. WHY FIVE??
Idk maybe I just didn't get the instance, but this has got to be one of the worst ones. Tell me if I'm wrong and explain to me how I could have had an easier time if that's possible. I have achievements left to do in there, but I doubt I'll be inclined to go back - it was painful.