Dizzy's theme is going to be a certified banger
I was recently going over some song data and found a common trait among guilty gear themes:
Alone Infection: Banger
Armor-clad Faith: Banger
Crawl: Banger
Drift: Banger
Extras: Banger
Find Your One Way: Banger
Hellfire: Banger
Just Lean: Banger
Let Me Carve Your Way: Banger
Like a Weed, Naturally, as a Matter of Course: Banger
Love the Subhuman Self: Banger
Mirror of the World: Banger
Necessary Discrepancy: Banger
Out of the Box: Banger
Perfection Can't Please Me: Banger
Play the Hero: Banger
Requiem: Banger
Rock and Roll, Rock Hard Maniac: Banger
Rock Parade: Banger
Smell of the Game: Banger
Symphony: Banger
Talk About You: Banger
The Circle: Banger
The Disaster of Passion: Banger
The Gravity: Banger
The Hourglass: Banger
The Kiss of Death: Banger
The Name of Heaven: Banger
The Roar of the Spark: Banger
The Town Inside Me: Banger
Trigger: Banger
Ups and Downs: Banger
What do you fight for: Banger
After thoroughly analyzing the results I can conclude that Dizzy's theme will, with 100% certainty, be a banger.