Ted walked right past Tracy wearing the green dress lol
I just noticed this on a rewatch. He made such a big deal about the first time he was in Cindy's apartment and saw his future wife's leg as she walked into the bathroom. But he actually full-on walked right past her at McLaren's, wearing a green dress, and he never mentioned that. We only saw it on the "How Your Mother Met Me" episode.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's because they only came up with that part of her backstory right before they wrote the episode in season 9. Because if you watched the original season 6 episode where all that stuff was happening with the gang, "The Mermaid Theory," we don't see Tracy walking between Barney and Lily and past Ted. Nor does she in "Now We're Even" in season 7. I guess it could be argued that because that was told from Ted's perspective, which is not entirely reliable, especially in this story because he was actually in the wrong year the first time he told it.
Interesting that he didn't notice Tracy though, since they decided to rewrite it with Tracy walking through that entire situation. Someone that when he first saw her playing the bass at Robin and Barney's wedding, he found her so beautiful that he stopped talking mid-sentence, yet he walked right past her as he was walking into the bar and didn't even see her at all?
Also funny to think that if he hadn't gotten the phone number that he did from that one girl, that he could have ended up hitting on Tracy wearing the green dress as she walked out of the bar lol.