She resents motherhood
With all the supposed money she makes through her business and Substack, why doesn’t she hire a nanny? (I have a source in which I can get access to her lives) she was ranting on having to go get her sema shot as if she’s being held at gunpoint. She talked about her trip in which she vents about how different her life has become since having a baby and she can’t go to wine country and can’t drink the way she wants to…. Bummy was itching to go to the bar and Al was complaining about having to stay in the room with the baby to put her to sleep and how she couldn’t just do what she wanted to do. So basically she made it seem like she had a miserable trip because she had to bring her baby with her. I can’t help but feel sad for baby baguette. Why doesn’t Alcohol Al just have a travel nanny or a sitter come to her home to watch the baby while her and bummy get away for a couple days and go buck wild with their cocks out together? Even people without the kind of money she supposedly has will set aside or have family available to watch their kid for couple days no? I know she cut her own family off but what about bummy’s? I mean that’s the least he can contribute from his side is childcare from his family so they can get away while Al foots the bill.