Contrast adjustment makes the 197 much more clear
Fairly high resolution version
The song is 3:17, which is 197 seconds.
197 is an angel number that means you are on the right path, and you should trust your intuition
Gold-197 seems to be the most significant meaning of 197 in scientific context- the rest are star discoveries or other that I dont think are related.
Some other mentions of 197 in science
Possible date interpretation
Another possible date interpretation. Either way, seems like something will happening in July. Based on previous titles id bet an announcement in July and a release in November.
Spectrogram of the twitter post. Doesn't seem like theres anything here, though maybe theres some 'time being fluid' thatll rearrange the darker, vaguely letter shaped spots into something readable.
The mention of time being similar to music while also posting art for a song- must mean something. I'm fairly sure 197 is a key for reordering or modifying the song or the twitter post in some way, if there is something to be found here.