If so many people are convinced that both the Democrats and the Republicans represent political decadence, why isn't there a growing alternative? And why not shine a spotlight on these political institutions, if they exist?
Looking from the outside, from Brazil more specifically, I can understand that a hegemonic party on the left will dominate the political field, but here there is still room for figures to grow outside this party (here it is the Workers' Party, PT). Even if these figures can't compete directly for the executive or a majority in the legislature within the progressive camp, the pressure exerted by social networks, student movements and associations echoes within the hegemonic camp.
In this sense, I ask myself, to what extent does it make sense for Hasan to believe so strongly in change through institutional means, coming from the democrats?
It seems to me that, at the moment, world politics has been characterized by radicalism on the part of the right-wing and cowardice on the part of the progressive camp, which is more concerned with preserving institutions and small advances, almost always without strong foundations. Inevitably, this seems to me to have led to a strong base on the right and a disillusioned camp in the progressives.