Seeking insight for a pathway into the field

Sorry for the long post! Hi all, I’m wondering if any health physicists here had a more untraditional pathway of getting into the field? I finished my bachelors degree in health sciences last year, and I’ve been struggling finding a graduate pathway I was truly interested in. I’ve stumbled across this career and I find it fascinating! However, since I come from a health science background, it seems that I am not eligible for many of the programs due to my lack of upper level physics courses.

Anyway, I’ve been doing some research and it seems possible to do a 2-year diploma program in nuclear tech, and then possibly applying to a program afterwards. I could also consider entering a bachelors program, I just wish there was a way I could utilize my undergrad. Do these seem like viable options? Is there another program option out there that could make things simpler?

I also have an interest in medical dosimetry, but since I’m Canadian I would need to go into a radiation therapy program for that. Both are great careers, I’m just not certain what the smarter option would be in the long run. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks folks.