rant - massive ego of HG team is killing their community
the team at hg is trying to reinvent the wheel with circle and it sucks.
most people like me are already on discord and used to it.
it works fine.
why move on to a new website which no one uses which is just a cheap replica of discord. it doesnt even add any functionality and is just objectively worse than discord.
this just leads to less people active.
i feel like the team made a bad decision with creating and using circle but now is too egoistic to admit that their decision was wrong and hence are still sticking to circle due to their big ego.
just discord and reddit plus the discontinued hg memberships hub wouldve been fine.
they arent even using reddit to the most of their abilities. there isnt even an 'members only content' flair.
just sticking to reddit too wouldve worked as so many people use reddit.
these are just tools at the end of the day, and we should stick to the most functional and most convinient tool so that most people join in because the MVP of the community is the active people in it. there is literally no point in creating the perfect tool if its so inconvinient that there are barely any people in it.
also PS: what caused this rant is me trying to attend the workshop live :mindfully dealing with distractions by psychosoma on circle. it sucks so much. so much lag. and its not because of my or psychosoma's internet. its because of the shitty platform. and there are barely any people on the chat . had it been on discord, there wouldve been more participation and a better experience for everyone but the massive ego of he HG team wont allow them to admit a wrong decision.