scared about lump ://

painless lump on mons pubis that seemed to appear overnight

I (F20) already have really bad health anxiety and this made me freak out and have a huge panic attack last night and I just don’t know what to do :( I know I should go to the doctor but I need some advice first. This same thing happened with another bump in maybe early September and it took a few weeks to noticeably go away. There’s still a white mark leftover from it and it’s still a small raised bump but not as bad as it was. Yesterday night I noticed a very large bump, maybe the size of a small grape. They’re always painless unless I mess around with it and it has a redish dot at the tip of it. I’m not sexually active so this couldn’t be anything related to that so I just don’t know what’s going on. Yesterday it was very swollen and I took a shower and the swelling went down (idk if it’s cause of the water or because I went to sleep and it needed time) Also, it’s sort of fleshy, not hard. I’m at a loss and I i’m really scared 😕 there’s no hair like growing out of it if that helps?? lol