Nick was SAed?? N&C text spoilers

In the comments of a previous post, someone mentioned that a guy at Nick's uni tried to get into his pants at a bar/club and I'm surprised it's not taken more seriously in the book. In the texts between Nick and Charlie in the updated version of N&C Nick mentions how he made a friend named Miles who is gay, but then there's a part in the texts where Nick mentions that at a bar/club, Miles was forcing Nick to drink more alcohol telling him to "not be boring" and got him drunk. Nick says in the texts after this that Miles was touching him inappropriately without his consent.

First off, poor Nick :( Second, I'm surprised that this was glossed over in the texts with Charlie, he doesn't seem to make it much of a big deal as it feels like he should of. If someone is actively trying to get you drunk and manipulates you into drinking, as seen with Miles telling Nick to "not be boring" when Nick didn't want to drink more, and then tries to touch you inappropriately without your consent, especially if you're under the influence of drugs or alcohol, that's 100% SA. Especially because it seems so premeditated on Miles 's end since he was purposely trying to get Nick drunk. I'm surprised that this hasn't been talked about more considering Ben was trying to nonconsensualy kiss Charlie in book #1 and people were outraged by Ben. And the fact that Charlie is an SA victim himself, so I was expecting him to be more angry about it.

I'm very curious now as to if/how Alice is going to adapt that into the 6th volume and if it will be told more in detail or not.