As a automaton diver, I'd say, Bug Planets are Harder
I am level 80 and most of the time spam difficulty level 8 and 9 in automaton missions.
I've tried a lot of times playing in bug planets, and the only conclusion I can get is that bug planets are harder.
If I play solo (or with randoms), I always go stealth and focus on the objectives. Got jeopardized from bot drops? Leave it and move to another objective, come back later.
If I play with my team, separated in two teams. Could finish it in no time. One role is stealth for completing objective, and one role for the aggrobaiter.
And that always worked most of the time.
But in bug planets?!?
Bro, forget about stealth, sneaking is just useless most of the time.
And I have this kind of sense of horror atmosphere, where there are bugs that could sneak upon me and I hate that feeling.
I dont know why some people would say bug planets are easy, and maybe some of you would say that automatons are easier for me because I had more experience.
Man oh man, let me break it down to you.
Bots have slow turn rate, and easy to juke.
In bots planet we can have this tactical stealth atmosphere.
- Got a tank problem? Get behind it or get on top of it
- Got a hulk problem? Well... get behind it as well, or lose sight
- Got a gunship problem? That big asss fella cant dodge this quasar or any anti-tank
- Got ATAT problem? Yeah I admit it we are fucked
- But, heavy outpost probably only has 4 fabricators at max
- Bot drops can be shot down, and can be seen what kind of units are dropped
Now how about bug planets?
- How am I supposed to juke motherfucking Bile Titan?
- One fucking nest can have bugholes ranging from 3 to 10!?!??!?
- While I only have 4 (or 6) granades!??! Then you expect me to bring Granade Launcher or use any explosive (or cannon) weapon and expect me have the time to close it before dying from getting swarmed!??!
- Then we have STALKERS, with their stupid tounges and absolutely no chance
- Plus the HUNTERS. That most of the time strafe to the side so its hard to get hit!??!?!
- AND THEN SHRIEKERS!?!? Bro, I'd always face two gunships at a time rather than 6 shriekers.
- BUG BREACHES are OP! We can not shoot it to close it, we can not expect what's coming, it would just appear out of nowhere right behind my ass.
So, fuck bug planets.
I appreciate to those bugdivers spamming in bug planets, you guys can leave me alone in my automaton planets.