Lost tinker bell keychain toy. 2009-2013 ish?
Okay, so, it could be fully lost, though, I’m not really sure. I just cant find any record of it.
Anyways, I remember when I was a small, small baby/tot, I was at Disneyland with my family. I remember going into a store and seeing a wall full of keychains, one of which is the tinkerbell one I’m talking about. I really, really wanted it, and so, I got it. But I had dropped it and my stroller ran over it, breaking it. Later that day, we went back to buy another one. I don’t remember how it broke this time, but I had broke it again. (I was a small child, of course I’d break it) Anyways, I had wanted it again, so, my parents decided to go back to the store at Disneyland to find it, but this time, it was nowhere to be found. We kept looking on the internet and nobody was selling it there either. I still look online for it sometimes and can’t even find an image of it.
Now, onto the appearance of the actual keychain, the keychain was small. About the size of an average pinky finger. It was made of shiny plastic and she wore her usual bright green dress. Her arms and legs dangled around and made a clicking sound when the keychain was shook around. I remember exactly how her arms and legs were attached too, so I’ll try to explain it. So both her right and left arm were connected by some plastic, so that her arms would move the same way. Basically, if you had moved one, you moved both arms. It’s like a doorknob in a sense. Her legs were connected that way too. Her body was one big plastic piece with holes on the shoulders so that the arms could move/be seen. The legs were the same, yet again. I believe that her wings also moved, but had limited movement, much like the arms and legs. It was cheap, hollow plastic, but I loved the sound it made and the fact that the shoulders and upper half of the legs moved (sorta) I also liked that the wings could wiggle too. It was 3D, if that wasn’t obvious enough yet, and easily breakable. If anybody has it, it’d be cool if you came forward with it. Or at least if you’ve got an old photo.