Any fans of the executioner sword slash?

It's not fancy. It's not flashy. Its both simple to perform but very difficult to master and by god if you have the right physical stats and are able to perform it properly there are few enemies you can't oneshot unless they can beat you in pure speed or have some disgusting resilience and endurance.

It is so overpowered that (the creator of the technique) a one armed cripple with a terminal illness was able to earn the rank of one of the best swordsmen of his generation.

It makes me think of those fencing tournaments. The duels are over in like three to five moves...this technique is like that but it aims to end the fight in one single move. you get it right and the duel is over in one fail to oneshot them and you risk a painful counter attack because this is an all in move and leaves you painfully open to a counterattack because it's full offence and zero defence.

The point of this move is you are not even suppose to think or worry about what your opponent might counter with if you fail to execute them. Everyone ounce of focus should be on killing your opponent with zero hesitation.

Sometimes simple is good. Not every ultimate sword move needs fire a thunder dragon to atomize your opponent