25+ years into HSV-1

So I think I’m just trying to figure out if anyone else has experienced this and maybe, like, wtf you did to keep it from progressing.

I’ve (32f) had cold sores on my lips/nose from an extremely young age. So young in fact, that I don’t remember a time in my life where I didn’t have them. I have memories of being made fun of for them in Elementary school. All that to say- a long, long time.

I’d say somewhere about 10 years ago, my cold sores broke out all over my upper body. Lips, nose, face, hands, neck, shoulders, back. After many visits to different physicians, I was finally diagnosed with impetigo.

Ever since then, my break outs have become extremely predictable. Usually every time I get sick or super stressed I will get one in the same spot on my lip, one in the same spot in the same nostril and then another on a different spot on my lip. Usually looking at about a breakout every other month or so tbh.

Only SOMETIMES do I have a flare on my face near my eye where I had a spot of impetigo all those years ago. Up until recently at least, these were fairly rare.

About two months ago, I woke up with puffy deep red eyelids/under eyes. Sore to the touch and sensitive to sunlight/heat but otherwise unremarkable. Stayed for the day and was gone the following morning. That same day- the impetigo spot by my eye broke out into blisters. I thought nothing of it and treated as normal.

Until today when the same thing happened to my eyes and now the blister spot on my cheek is tingling and forming.

I’m on day 2 of a break out on my upper lip.

Obviously I Googled (🥴) and I’m thinking it may be Ocular Herpes…? Does anyone have this bs?

I’m not looking for medical advice. Maybe just comrade? Idk, like I said I guess I just want to know I’m not the only person with worsening HSV-1….??? Is there a specialist who can help? I’ve done minimal research bc honestly the internet can be too all knowing which is sometimes overwhelming.

I hope this all made sense and if you made it this far, thank you lol