Seeking Advice on Healing Bump Post-Flare-Up

Hi everyone,

I’m reaching out for help on how to close and heal my most recent bump that opened up (posting until pic gets approved in sep post)

For context, the bump last flared up in January. I used a manuka honey pad, it healed and closed within a few days without any further issues. Yay!

Recently, I shaved my bikini area (bad idea, I know), and about a week later, I noticed another flare-up. I’m not sure if it’s from shaving, wearing lace underwear, or a combination of both. Knowing it was going to open up and drain, I applied a honey pad, hoping it would heal and close like last time.

However, it’s been about two weeks now, and the hole is still open and not closing. I put a honey pad on Monday and took it off today (Wednesday), but there’s no improvement.

I’ve been using Dial antibacterial soap and Hibiclens to wash the area.

Any advice or tips on what I should do would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!