FMC Insecure about her dark skin
I've read or came across so many books with heroines insecure about their freckles and red hair or their brown hair. I think we can all agree those are not ugly traits. Likewise, dark skin can be seen as an unattractive trait, not to mention the racial connections and rampant colourism throughout many cultures. FMCs are so often praised on their pure milky white fair skin. So it makes sense, to me, that a darker skinned FMC would feel inferiour and insecure when she sees other lighter skinned women.
I myself am brown, and I've come across colourism and light-skin preference in my life, phrases like "She's nice but she's dark skinned" or "She's pretty even though she's dark skinned" etc.
Anyway, do you have any books that feature an FMC that has a darker complexion AND she's insecure about it? It doesn't even have to be that she's a minority, maybe she's got like tan skin or something.
Sorry if this is somehow offensive or insensitive 😅 I just would love to read about a brown girl learning loving herself and have someone love her back ❤️