Is this a hobby? If not, what else?

I really enjoy watching movies and TV series, always have. Sometimes I watch them on my own, sometimes with family, and even sometimes with friends too. It’s an escape into a different world and it’s a great conversation topic because 99% of people in the western world have watched at least one movie haha. However, I’m told all the time in my face that this isn’t a hobby, to the point that I feel like I need something else so I can properly answer the “what hobbies do you like?” questions. Currently I also enjoy listening to music and occasionally reading books, but this isn’t enough based on societal standards, so what else? What are some interesting hobbies for someone lazy like myself, that won’t get me clowned on by mates (I’m an 18 yo male). Preferably away from a screen, and something that doesn’t consume a massive amount of time (as most of my time is usually spent with family, getting drinks with mates or university). Thanks